Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I contact you?

You can contact me via email ( or Instagram direct message @therainbowlaine


How much is shipping?

Shipping within Australia is $7.50 for standard shipping with tracking number.


What payments do you accept?

We accept Mastercard, Visa, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Paypal.


Can I purchase through Instagram?

Instagram products will lead you to the main website:


When will my order be shipped out?

Once the order has been processed, orders will be digitised, embroidered, packed and shipped out from here within 7 business days.


What shipping couriers do you use?

We are using Sendle as our courier service.


How can I track my order?

A tracking number will be provided after the order has been shipped. Use the tracking number with the corresponding shipping courier (Sendle) to track your parcel.


My package has not arrived. What do I do?

Please check that you have entered the correct address. Due to current restrictions and other circumstances of the post office or courier service, your parcel may have been delayed. You could also check with the courier service (Sendle) itself.


I entered an incorrect address. What do I do?

Contact me via email ( or direct message me on Instagram (@therainbowlaine) immediately. If the order has yet to be shipped, I will be able to change and mail to the correct address. However, if it has already been shipped, do contact the courier service (Sendle).

For packages that are returned to me due to an incorrect address, the customer has to bear the postage fees.


What can I custom make?

Rainbow Laine supports originality, acceptance and love. Any form of copyright and hate-speech related designs will be rejected and refunded. Designs that are not chosen from the default series can be emailed to with your invoice number as the title, with the corresponding number of colours selected.


Will customisation be more expensive?

No. Prices of the product, the chosen embroidery area and number of colours that are allocated and standard, regardless of using default designs or requesting custom designs. No quotations. No extra charges will be incurred unless what is selected and requested have discrepancies. e.g. Requesting a rainbow and choosing 1-3 colours. The order will not be produced until the correct amount is paid. 


Why is the embroidery not exactly the same as my custom image?

  1. Depending on the intricacy of image requested for embroidery, the accuracy of embroidery may decrease, taking into account the quality and lighting of the photo and the size of the embroidery requested.
  1. Bigger embroidery sizes achieves higher accuracy. Unlike printing, small intricate details are not able to be sewed and shown if the embroidery is small.


What are you Refund & Exchange policies?

All sales made with Rainbow Laine are final. There will be no refunds, exchange or cancellation of orders.

Please note the following before making a purchase:

  1. Embroidery is not like printing. The digitised version may have slight deviation from the embroidered version, taking into account the material being used.
  2. Colours of actual items and embroidery thread may differ from photographs on the website and other pictures due to lighting and varying colour tones based on your devices.

In the event that you have further concerns regarding your order or any other questions, please feel free to email or send a direct message on Instagram at @therainbowlaine


*By purchasing from Rainbow Laine, you have acknowledged and are agreeable to all of our store policies as stated.